International Student House of Washington, DC, a DC-based non-profit organization, hosts successful 2023 Global Leadership Awards Gala at the U.S. Institute of Peace, featuring The Honorable William J. Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency as keynote speaker, including 30+ Ambassadors and 12+ Members of Congress on Diplomatic and Congressional Host Committees, respectively.

On October 11, 2023, the International Student House of Washington, DC (I-House DC) hosted its annual 2023 Global Leadership Awards Gala to celebrate the transformational impact of international exchange at the United States Institute of Peace. The event featured a “fireside chat” with The Honorable William J. Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Barbara Slavin, Distinguished Fellow at the Stimson Center and former Member of I-House DC’s Board of Directors.
I-House DC alum Raphaël Guévin-Nicoloff from Canada/Switzerland, who as Resident of the House in 2013 presented then U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns the 2013 Global Leadership Award, returned for a reprise to introduce Director Burns again and share an update on his career since leaving the House. In a fireside chat between CIA Director William Burns and moderator Barbra Slavin, Director Burns covered a range of topics, including the Israel-Hamas war, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and geopolitical challenges and opportunities with China. To conclude the fireside chat, responding to a question about the impact and importance of international exchange from an I-House DC Resident, Director Burns affirmed
One of the smartest investments (the U.S.) government ever makes is in the student exchange programs.
Ambassador William Burns, Director of the CIA
The Global Leadership Awards Gala annual event is essential to sustaining the House’s mission – promoting intercultural dialogue, encouraging life-long connections, and fostering global citizenship through an exceptional residential experience. Investments in the House’s mission create a community where residents emerge as active participants in a global dialogue, empowered to stand at the forefront against division, isolation, and polarization.
The Gala was Chaired by Mrs. Melike Yetken Krilla, Head of International Organizations at Google, and Mr. Jeff Krilla, VP of Global Public Policy and Government Affairs at Kosmos Energy. H.E. Jacques Pitteloud, Ambassador of Switzerland and Mrs. Angelique Gakoko Pitteloud served as Honorary Diplomatic Chairs and Mrs. Hassnah Abousabah Hariri as Honorary International Chair.
The evening’s guest list featured a myriad of VIPs and distinguished individuals, including: United States Government Officals (Current and Former): The Honorable William Burns, Director of the Central Intelligence Bureau, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland and Ms. Katherine Wilkens, U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) and Ms. Tiia Karlen, U.S. Representative Dina Titus (NV-01), U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn (CO-05), The Honorable James Blanchard, Former Governor of Michigan, and Mrs. Janet Blanchard, The Honorable Walter Cutler and Mrs. Isabel “Didi” Cutler, The Honorable James Moran, Former U.S. Representative from Virginia; Ambassadors: Ambassador of Nicaragua, His Excellency Francisco Obadiah Campbell Hooker and Mrs. Miriam Hooker, Ambassador of Bahrain, His Excellency Shaikh Abdullah bin Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa and Mrs. Shaikha Aisha Al Khalifa, Ambassador of the Philippines, His Excellency Jose Manuel Romualdez, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Her Royal Highness Ambassador Reema Bandar Al Saud, Ambassador of Ecuador, Her Excellency Ivonne A-Baki, Ambassador of Poland, His Excellency Marek Magierowski and Mrs. Anna Magierowska, Ambassador of Turkey, His Excellency Hasan Murat Mercan and Mrs. İnci Mercan, Ambassador of Pakistan, His Excellency Masood Khan and Mrs. Zohra Khan, Ambassador of Hungary, His Excellency Szabolcs Takács and Mrs. Emese Gaál, Ambassador of Ireland, Her Excellency Geraldine Byrne Nason, Ambassador of Bangladesh, His Excellency Muhammad Imran, Ambassador of Portugal, His Excellency Francisco Duarte Lopes; Embassy Represenatives: Embassy of Azerbaijan, Mrs. Zumrud İbrahim, Embassy of Indonesia, Mrs. Ayu Menik Henri, Embassy of Estonia, Mrs. Liis Prikk, Embassy of Switzerland, Christoph Sommer, Deputy Chief of Mission and Head of Political Affairs, Embassy of France, Deputy Chief of Mission Aurélie Bonal, Embassy of the Philippines and Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Jaime Ramon. T. Ascalon, Jr.; Special Guests: The Honorable Ray Mahmood and Mrs. Shaista Mahmood, Mr. Bahaa Hariri and Mrs. Hassnah Hariri, Mrs. Lynda Webster, Mr. Kevin Chaffee, Mrs. Cheri Carter, Vice President for Global Engagement, The Boeing Compnay, Mrs. Melike Yetken Krilla and Mr. Jeffrey Krilla (Gala Co-Chairs), The Honorable Karan Bhatia, Mrs. Lisa Barry and Mr. James Gale, The Honorable Michele Thoren Bond, Dr. Eric D.K. Melby and Mrs. Pamela Tripp-Melby, Mr. Robin West and Mrs. Eileen Shields-West, Mrs. Barbara Slavin, Ms. Jan DuPlain, Mrs. Alexandra de Borchgrave, Dr. Nayla Al Sowayel, Mr. Frank Islam and Mrs. Debbie Driesman, The Honorable Richard Boucher, Mrs. Lorraine Riffle Caron and Don Carron, Mrs. Anne-Marie Gwynn-Sackson, Mr. Everett Eissenstat and Mrs. Janet Eissenstat.
The program featured the stories of six Residents and an alum, as well as the presentation of the Global Business Leadership Award to The Boeing Company. The award was presented by Resident Henry Lloyd Hughes from the United Kingdom on behalf of the House to Cheri Carter, Vice President for Global Engagement, who remarked,
I have met and worked with a number of nonprofit organizations of every size, every shape, and I have to say that International Student House of Washington DC continues to stand out as a leader.
Cheri Carter, Vice President for Global Engagement for The Boeing Company
The Global Business Leadership Award celebrates individuals and organizations who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in the global business arena, contributing significantly to international commerce and diplomacy. The award acknowledges The Boeing Company’s remarkable contributions to international business and its enduring commitment to advancing aviation technology while fostering global partnerships. Previous recipients of the Global Business Leadership Award include: Google in 2022, recognized for their transformative impact on the global technology landscape and their commitment to fostering innovation and inclusivity worldwide, and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) received this distinguished honor in 2021 for their outstanding commitment to global sustainability and agricultural innovation.
Resident Tamera Sullivan (U.S.) Resident Henry Lloyd-Hughes (U.K) Resident Juliana Ganendra (Malaysia) Resident Joel Suarez (Cuba) Resident Madison Romo (U.S.) Resident Axel Christensson (Sweden)
The Gala’s success was possible thanks to the generous support of the event’s sponsors and donors at all levels. The Residents and Board of Directors of the International Student House of Washington, DC, appreciated the continued support and engagement of all sponsors and members of the various committees that made this event possible, including the Host Committee, as well as the Honorary Diplomatic Host Committee and Honorary Congressional Host Committee.
The Honorable Ray Mahmood, Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, H.E. Geraldine Byrne Nason, Ambassador of Ireland, Katherine Wilkens (I-House DC Board Member), and The Honorable Jim Moran
Drawing the event to a close, Executive Director Daniel Bremer-Wirtig, underscored the critical need for the House’s mission, asserting,
“The work we do at the House is a pivotal investment in the future, ensuring a brighter, more prosperous, and peaceful tomorrow.”
Daniel Bremer-Wirtig, Executive Director of the International Student House of Washington, D.C.
Click here to see more photos of the event, and please follow the House on social media! And follow the links below to read the coverage of the 2023 Global Leadership Awards Gala from Washington Life Magazine, POLITICO Playbook, and Washington Diplomat.

Honorary Diplomatic Host Committee
His Excellency Yousef Al Otaiba, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates | His Excellency Francisco Obadiah Campbell Hooker, Ambassador of Nicaragua | His Excellency Sheikh Meshal Bin Hamad Al Thani, Ambassador of the State of Qatar | His Excellency Shaikh Abdullah bin Rashed Abdulla Al Khalifa, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain | His Excellency Jose Manuel Romualdez, Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines | Her Excellency Dame Karen Pierce, Ambassador of the United Kingdom | His Excellency Santiago Cabanas, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain | Her Royal Highness Ambassador Reema Bandar Al-Saud, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Her Excellency Bergdís Ellertsdóttir, Ambassador of Iceland | His Excellency Laurent Bili, Ambassador of the Republic of France | His Excellency Lui Tuk Yew, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore | His Excellency Jean-Arthur Régibeau, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium | His Excellency Tomita Koji, Ambassador of Japan | His Excellency Yerzhan Ashikbayev, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Her Excellency Alima Mahama, Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana | Her Excellency Geraldine Byrne Nason, Ambassador of Ireland | His Excellency Georg Sparber, Ambassador of the Principality of Liechtenstein | His Excellency Marek Magierowski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland | His Excellency Masood Khan, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan | His Excellency Urban Ahlin, Ambassador of Sweden
Honorary Congressional Host Committee
Representative Gerry Connolly and Mrs. Catherine “Smitty” Smith | Representative Diana DeGette | Representative Debbie Dingell | Representative John Garamendi and Mrs. Patti Garamendi | Representative Ted Lieu and Mrs. Betty Lieu | Senator Edward Markey and Rear Admiral Susan Blumenthal | Senator Martin Heinrich and Mrs. Julie Heinrich | Representative Jim Himes and Mrs. Mary Scott Himes | Representative Doug Lamborn and Mrs. Jeanie Lamborn | Representative Scott Peters and Ms. Lynn Gorguze | Representative Jan Schakowsky and Mr. Robert Creamer | Representative Kim Schrier | Representative Dina Titus and Mr. Tom Wright | Senator Roger Wicker and Mrs. Gayle
Host Committee
The Honorable Jess Baily and Ms. Capie Polk | Mrs. Lisa Barry and Mr. James Gale | Governor Jim Blanchard and Mrs. Janet Blanchard | Mrs. Alexandra de Borchgrave | The Honorable Michele Thoren Bond and The Honorable Clifford Bond | The Honorable Esther Coopersmith | The Honorable Walter Cutler and Mrs. Isabel “Didi” Cutler | Mrs. Marilyn Dabaghi and Mr. Bill Dabaghi | Ms. Jan Du Plain | Mr. Larry Dunham and Mrs. Deborah Dunham | Dr. Charles Ebinger and Dr. Putnam Ebinger | Mr. Everett Eissenstat and Mrs. Janet Eissenstat | Mr. Raul Fernandez and Mrs. Jean-Marie Fernandez | Mr. Jon Garcia and Mrs. Julia Garcia | Mrs. Kathryn Horlick and Mr. Gary Horlick | Representative Bi-khim Hsiao | Mr. Frank Islam and Ms. Debbie Driesman | Mr. Larry Jennings | Mr. Al Kamen | Coach Kathy Kemper | Ambassador Tom Korologos | Mr. Phillip Lauinger | Mrs. Willee Lewis and Mr. Finlay Lewis | The Honorable Ray Mahmood and Mrs. Shaista Mahmood | The Honorable Tom McMillen | Mr. Eric Melby and Mrs. Pamela Tripp-Melby | The Honorable Jim Moran | Dr. Sherry Mueller | The Honorable Tod Sedgwick and Ms. Christy Brown | Mr. Michael Ross and Mrs. Barbara Slavin | The Honorable John Tanner and Mrs. Betty Ann Tanner | The Honorable William Webster and Mrs. Lynda Webster | Mr. Robin West and Mrs. Eileen Shields-West
Bahaa and Hassnah Hariri Foundation
Fouad Al-Ghamin
Eric Melby and Pamela Tripp-Melby
Lisa Barry and Jim Gale
Governor Jim Blanchard and Janet Blanchard
The Honorable Rafat Mahmood and Shaista Mahmood
Sherry Mueller, Ph.D.
The Honorable Michele Thoren Bond and The Honorable Clifford Bond
The Honorable Fletcher Burton
The Honorable Walter Cutler and Isabel “Didi” Cutler
Larry and Deborah Dunham
Putnam and Charlie Ebinger
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
Everett Eissenstat and Janet Eissenstat
Phillip Lauinger, Jr.
The Honorable Jim Moran
The Honorable William Webster and Lynda Webster